Safety Instruction for Barbeque Users

  • Do not touch, hold, lift the barbeque when barbeque is hot and charcoal is burning inside.
  • Barbeque is strictly for out door usage, any type of indoor usage not recommendaed.
  • Hot surface, keep away from children, elderly people.
  • Kindly read the Recipe Book before Barbequing.
  • Keep the BBQ Clean to avoid contamination.
  • Light the Charcoal Carefully.
  • Sprinkle little water on charcoal after use and conform there is No Burning Charcoal inside the Barbeque.
  • Rub the cooing oil on charcoal tray and side to avoid rusting.
  • After use sprinkle water on charcoal and confirm the fire is out, befour storing the barbeque.
  • Cooking, grilling, roasting, barbequing and any other use of barbeque is the sole responsibility of the customer.